by Ken Reynolds | May 26, 2017
The Secret That is Guaranteed to Make You a Better Pianist The Beginning Talk to anyone who has ever learned to do something and most of the time they will tell you how they started from the beginning. A baseball player will remember back to his first tee ball season...
by Ken Reynolds | May 26, 2017
Improve Your Playing by Building from the Foundation First In my previous post, I talked about the mistake that musicians often make when learning to play an instrument. What is it? They fail to start from the beginning. Scales are the foundation of music and failing...
by Ken Reynolds | May 24, 2017
How I Got Started With Music And All The Fun Along the Way Hey everyone! This is the first official blog post on the Reynolds Piano website. How exciting! I’m sure by now you must be wondering, “Who is this guy and where did he come from? I’m so glad...