How Music Can Boost Your Brain Power in Amazing Ways
Brain power. Wish you had more? Everyone does! We all wish our memories were sharper and that our brains would never get tired. Throughout the years, our society has come up with all kinds of ideas to give us the boost we are wanting. There are certainly plenty of...
How to Instantly Make Your Piano Playing Sound More Professional [LIVE VIDEO]
Hello everyone! I put together a teaching video to help my readers take their piano playing to the next level. Be a Professional In this video, I outline 5 useful musical ideas which will help you take your playing to a whole new level. Learn how to color your chords,...
How to Transpose Any Song in a Matter of Minutes [LIVE VIDEO]
Hey everyone! I want to make sure that you are the first to see a video I just put together about transposition. It's called How to Transpose a Song in a Matter of Minutes. In this video, I demonstrate how to transpose a song from the key of C to the keys of G and E....
How to Memorize Music in a Way That Makes it Stick With You
Have you ever had your mind go blank performing a piece that you could play perfectly beforehand? It happens to just about everyone, regardless of their instrument or skill level. Talk to anyone who has memorized pieces to play at a recital or special event and...
4 Practices That Will Immediately Sabotage Your Piano Teaching
I've heard people say that teaching the piano is a natural talent a person either has or doesn't have. They often point to a parent or some other member of the teacher's family who is also a good teacher as proof for their theory. While it may seem this way on the...
5 Piano Teaching Mistakes That Make You Look Like a Rookie
I'm not the same piano teacher I was 20 years ago. After two decades of teaching, I have learned many valuable lessons. You might be surprised to know that I didn't learn any of them by reading a book or taking a class. The principles I'm about to share with you are...
How to Help Your Child Get the Most Out of Piano Lessons
Learning to play the piano is not for the faint of heart! Talk to anyone who has made it to an advanced level and you will hear about years of practicing and performing, the good, the bad and the ugly! After over 20 years of teaching the piano, I have concluded that...
How to Effectively Teach the Piano to Generation Z
As piano teachers, we have a responsibility to know how our students learn best. Discover the unique qualities of Generation Z and find out what you can do to teach them the piano in a way that they understand.
How to Effectively Modulate From One Key to Another
Have you been there before? Someone asks you to perform a song at an upcoming special event. You’re honored to be asked and you immediately think of that favorite song of yours that would work perfectly. Unfortunately, it’s an arrangement you’ve done many times and...
3 Guaranteed Results of Taking Advanced Music Theory
Imagine learning to speak a language but never really understanding its rules of grammar, syntax, spelling, and the many exceptions that are prevalent in it. While you may be able to string a few words together and make some sense, you would have a very hard time...
4 Reasons Why the Songwriting Track Will Make You a Better Musician
I hope that by now you have had a chance to check out the Songwriting Track. If not, that's ok. You can do it by clicking here. You will also see the Chords Track and the Advanced Music Theory Track. My piano students have the option of adding any of these tracks (1...
3 Ways the Chords Track Will Make You a Better Pianist
Have you had a chance to check out the new tracks I am offering and the modules each contains? If not, here's a link to the page. Over the next few posts, I'm going to take each one of the new tracks and explain to you how they will make you a better pianist....